Aspire – Nautilus / Nautilus 2S Coils


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5 pack of Aspire Nautilus Coils. These coils fit a large range of tanks including the K3 tank, Nautilus 2, Nautilus Mini & more. We have the 1.8Ω coils which run between 10 and 14W, or the 0.7Ω which run 18-23W.

If you have the K3 Starter Kit you should order the 1.8Ω, as the 0.7Ω will not work on that battery.

We also now stock the Nautilus 2S Mesh Coils in 0.7Ω & 0.4Ω.

Additional information

Coil Resistance

1.8Ω, 0.7Ω , 0.7Ω Mesh, 0.4Ω Mesh

Kit Brand



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